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Sun, Nov 06
|Mohala Maui
Women’s Sacred Cactus Prayer
We come together in the vibrational field of prayer, in communion with the central of altar of the huachuma cactus.
Nov 06, 2022, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Mohala Maui, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Ater Tumti | Heaven on Earth
A twelve hour daylong Huachuma ceremony of profound depth ~
The Cactus, a powerful ally, invites remembrance and experience beyond time, space and lineage. We reconnect with the ancient mysteries of the temple within. The experience diversifies personal perspective while harmonizing the relational field. Huachuma is a medicine of verticality, bridging heaven and earth through the wisdom of the Heart.
To inquire about joining, contact Munay at
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